Environmental protection at Hotel Victoria
Ecology = long-term economy
As most other hotels the BEST WESTERN PREMIER Hotel Victoria is a major consumer of energy. 250.000 kilowatt hours of current and 410.000 kilowatt hours of heat energy are consumed per year. This is the amount of current consumed by 60 households and the amount of heat required for the heating of 15 single-family houses. In order to contribute to the protection of the environment, we rely on the environmentally friendly energy sources of our region: sun, wind, water and wood.

Best Western Premier
Hotel Victoria
Eisenbahnstraße 54
79098 Freiburg im Breisgau
Tel: +49 (0) 761-207340
Fax: +49 (0) 761-20734444
E-Mail: info@victoria.bestwestern.de